FSC Expert course - Generic FSC module
Generic FSC module is entirely online. Let our top experts guide you through all the ins and outs of FSC certification.
This module is generic FSC training and covers various topics about FSC organization including:
• The history and objectives of FSC
• structures and relationships within the FSC system relating to its main stakeholders (members, ASI, FSC, regional and national offices, certificate holders, license holders, and certification bodies) • FSC and other forestry certification schemes (Sustainable Forestry Initiative, Canadian Standards Association, Program for the Endorsement of Forest Certification etc.)
• roles and responsibilities in certification according to FSC’s normative documents
• potential effects and impacts of certification
• overview of FSC’s normative system and its structure
• the FSC dispute resolution system management system
• FSC and timber legality legislation
• conflict of interest definitions and requirements
This module is provided entirely online and it is mandatory for FSC FM ansd CoC auditor candidates. It is built as a series of recorded webinars:
1. FSC Overview |
2. FSC Dispute Resolution System (Complaints & Appeals) |
3. Impartiality and Conflict of Interest in FSC |
4. Introduction to FSC CW concept |
5. FSC & Timber Legality Legislation |
All online modules are free and may be taken separately from full FSC Expert course, however they do not meet formal FSC requirements alone. Information and prices for full FSC Expert course is available on our website: https://www.preferredbynature.org/fsc-expert-training
Naomi Mjelde
Introduction to Generic FSC module
FSC general training module topics as per FSC-PRO-20-004 V1-2
Overview of the content
Key takeaways
Overview of the content
Key takeaways
Overview of the content
Key takeaways
FSC Global Strategy 2021-2026
FSC Annual Report 2022